Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bethlehem's Political Landscape

The City of Bethlehem's poltical landscape is interesting, to say the least. All elected officials in the city goverment are Democrats. That would make one think that the city government runs smoothly and politics in the city is boring. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

The City Council is comprised of Jean Belinski, Karen D. Dolan, Robert J. Donchez, Joseph F. Leeson, Jr., Esq, Gordon B. Mowrer, J. Michael Schweder and Magdalena F. Szabo. Mr. Schweder is the President of City Council. Ms. Szabo recently lost a bid for re-election, and will be replaced on City Council by J. William Reynolds in January 2008. (Blogger's Note: Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Donchez and Mr. Mowrer will have to run against Esther Lee, a republican, in November 2007. However this blogger feels that Ms. Lee has no chance, due to the registration edge that the Dems hold in the city.)

The Mayor is John Callahan.

There are two factions among the elected Democrats, those who side with Mayor Callahan and those who side with Mr. Schweder. Ms. Belinski and Mr. Leeson have consistently sided with Mr. Schweder on key issues. Ms. Dolan has consistently been supportive of the Mayor's agenda. Mr. Donchez and Mr. Mowrer have also been supportive of the Mayor's agenda but have been independant on some key issues. Ms. Szabo has supported Mr. Schweder's agenda, but was very supportive of the BethWorks project and the casino gaming.

The last election showcases this division. Mr. Callahan supported Mr. Donchez, Mr. Mowrer and Ron Heckman in the election. Mr. Schweder supported Ms. Szabo, Mr. Donchez and Dana Grubb. The other candidates were Mr. Reynolds and Ismael Arcelay. The order of finish was Mr. Donchez, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Grubb, Ms. Szabo, Mr. Heckman and Mr. Arcelay.

It is unknown where Mr. Reynolds, an aide to State Rep. Steve Samuelson, stands. He seems to be in the middle, with a slight lean to the Callahan faction.

Who needs Republicans with Democrats like this?


Bernie O'Hare said...

LVDem claims there's a third faction, but I'll let you tell about it himself.

BethlehemDem said...

Thanks Bernie, I am now curious. I hope LVDem comes to inform.

LVDem said...

Actually, you mention the mayor, but I think he is more of a product of a previous actor: Don Cunningham. Don Cunningham really allowed John Callahan to emerge. Without Donny C, there would not likely be a Johnny C. The new generation of Dems started with this group.

The third faction I've observed lies with TJ Rooney. His family is historically tied to Schweder (especially through labor) but he is outside of city gov't so he kind of creates a third circle of power that transcends the locals.

But for the purpose of city politics (city elections in particular) the two factions you mention are spot on. But when it comes to city politcs that are not based only in the city (such as state house), TJ Rooney pops in.

But I live in Allentown, so take my observations with a grain of salt if you would like. I won't cry too hard.